Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Laura's First Day of Kindergarten

We are now entering into our second week of school. Laura has done great with laying her clothes out, getting up easily and being ready on time. I sure hope this trend continues!

I was a mess the week before Laura started Kindergarten. It isn't like I'm not use to her being in school b/c she went to Pre-K last year. But this milestone was big and I was teary every time I thought about her starting her school career. Alas, the day came! She was excited and scared. The week before school started, she told me a few times that she was afraid she might cry at school or that she'd miss me. So, I was a bit worried we might have some tears.

We walked into school and I'm fighting back my tears (which I did until I got to the car). Laura was confident and just ready. I was so proud of my girl! She shed no tears and at the end of the day, she said "mommy, it was awesome! I only had the shakes a little." When she gets nervous, she calls it the "shakes".

My tradition of red plaid on the first day of school had to be changed to just plaid! There were a lot of cute plaids out there, but no cute red ones!

What might you ask do Grant and I do all day long? I am usually fetching him from the sink or picking up his messes...
But, on Tues/Thur he goes to MDO so I can teach my class at Harding and have a few "me" hours. He started going to the Methodist school this year and I'm much happier with him being there. They have a fantastic playground and they have more educational activities and Bible stories and songs. He has done great so far--happy, enjoys participating in the songs, takes a nap, and so far no timeouts! (He majorly needs a haircut in this picture!!)


Holly Aytes said...

I love your plaid tradition! And plaid is so popular right now, I have seen it everywhere! I too think I will shed tears next year. For me, it will be the last time I send one to kindergarten and that will be hard! Glad she enjoyed it and that Grant is enjoying it too. Madison switched last year and we love her new preschool! She can't wait for pre-K to start next week!

Ginger said...

Well, you know I've had a hard time with the start of school. I will be a total basket case next year when Ryan starts 5 days a week. Glad Laura is enjoying school. That plaid dress is adorable and Grant is a heart-breaker!! So cute!!

April said...

I love the pink plaid, Sara! Laura is a doll and looks so excited. Grant is such a cutie and ALL BOY. I love that you have captured so many moments and milestones in these pictures! I feel like it has been way too long since we had a good visit. I suppose watching Laura hit milestones via your blog keeps us up to date but reminds me of the distance, too. Consider yourself hugged!!! Love you!