Monday, May 3, 2010

Easter Time

I finally got my pictures off the camera to upload to the computer! I didn't want to forget about Easter, so better late than never.

We had a really great Easter day. Started the day off with a quick egg hunt at home and then off to church. The Watson's (Zearl and Betty) were so wonderful to invite us over for lunch with another family and to take place in an egg hunt. There was soooo much yummy food to enjoy and the egg hunt was over the top. Seems like there were over 90 eggs to hunt for 4 kids!

My two sweet kids!


Holly Aytes said...

Love Laura's polka dot dress! That is Madison's favorite print! I too am way behind on blogging....too busy trying to get the house ready to move in to :) Glad y'all had a wonderful Easter, the kids looked precious!

Holly said...

I enjoyed catching up on your blog! Love Grant's bday cake & he looks like such a big boy! Your kids seem so fun and sweet. Wish we lived closed by!

Cindy said...

Such big kids! My, how they've grown! Sweet pictures.

Andrea said...

Grant's haircut really makes him look like a big boy now. Sweetie. And I also love Laura's dress. That is super cute!