Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Grant turns 2!

Somehow the time just flew by and Grant is now two years old! He is very into cars, trucks, and trains. It is fun to listen to him make all the sounds and point to them as we drive or if he hears a siren he chimes in "whoo whoo".

I decided to try again to make a birthday cake this time with the train theme. I thought the end result turned out pretty good.

Grant got several new Thomas trains to add to a new track.

This is the life for Grant! Happy Birthday, sweet boy!


Holly Aytes said...

I can't believe he is 2! Seems like we were just coming to see him for the first time. Your cake turned out great...wish I could do that. My creativity stops with scrapbooking :)

April said...

I love the train cake! Too cute, Sara! I, too, have a hard time believing Grant is already two. I enjoyed the latest posts on both kiddos. Both seem to be doing so well! :) Happy Belated Birthday, Grant!!

Sarah said...

I love the train cake! Great job! We just celebrated Madeline's second birthday too. I am loving two so far. A little more attitude, but a lot more fun now that she is a "real person" and not just a baby. :) Hope you guys are doing well.


Andrea said...

Wow! Sara's got cake skills. That looks awesome! And he's such a sweet little man. What an exciting day.

Cindy said...

That looks just like Sam's 2nd birthday! Seriously, we made almost the exact same cake, although Michael labored over making the engine look like Thomas. (He did pretty well! I stuck with the simpler coal cars and such!)

Glad Grant had a super fun birthday!

Ginger said...

Great job on the cake! Really creative! Grant is just precious. I love 2 yr old little boys. 3 has always been harder for me, so enjoy your sweet little boy :)

amy said...

That is the cutest cake ever! Very impressive. I guess we can't call him "Baby Grant" anymore... Boo hoo.