Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Lately, I've been reaching my boiling point.

It typically happens around 5:30 p.m. The scenario at our house goes like this, Grant is hungry and needs to be nursed which requires me to sit down for atleast half an hour. Laura is tired and since I'm sitting down somewhat immobile, the acting out begins. Jim is not home yet. And frankly, I'm tired of being a mom, a cook, a maid, and a disciplinarian. My boiling point is reached. Once Jim comes home, my mood is sour and all I want to do is inwardly fume.

I can't say that I am proud of myself. I want to be the person who can greet my husband with a smile and handle my children with grace and patience. We obviously have a lot on our plates with our upcoming move, my sleep deprivation, and transitioning Laura to not being #1 anymore. So, my prayer as a mother of two young children is that I will exhibit myself with calmness, patience, and love.


Ginger said...

I think we can all pray that same prayer daily.
And don't feel bad about sticking in a DVD for 30 minutes to get you through!!

Dallas said...

That is my prayer too...daily. I will be praying for you.

And amen Ginger! A DVD was our best friend while I was nursing Elyn during the bewitching hour. Don't feel bad if you use it. We don't live on the praire anymore, technology is our friend!

Anonymous said...

Oh Sara! You are singing my song...only with slightly different lyrics at this point in my life. I have been sure lately that if someone were looking in on me at times that they would see my head spinning (I don't mean dizzy I mean like I possibly became possessed by an irrational something). I struggle to not "check out" as soon as Andrew walks in the door...because that isn't fair either. So, each and every day, I do...scratch that...try to do my best. If and when I don't I often find myself apologizing to my children for my attitude. At least they are going to learn humility!!!! Hang in there. You are a great mom and wife! I am trying to plan a little escape myself (just a few days)...but I am not nursing at this point in my life either. It will come. I will say a prayer for you right now for peace. If you think about it at some point would you do the same for me just a quick little request for a peaceful heart. You may just save someone :).

April said...

I think the other comments are right on track, Sara! We have all been or are all currently in some situation where we can most certainly relate to your predicament. I, too, am a fan of the DVD's. Do whatever you need to make it through...and don't feel guilty!

Andrea said...

If only we were closer, geographically that is. I would be right there at 5 p.m. and I'd put some chicken in the oven and send Zach and Alec to entertain Laura.

My heart is with you, even though I cannot be there in person.

Why so many miles between Port Orchard, Washington and Knoxville, Tennessee?

Shana said...

I am soooo with you!Sometimes I actually like to go to work so I can be way excited to get home and see my kids. I remember Easton doing the exact same thing when I would sit down to nurse Lexi. Now that I am not nursing they think their time to act up is right when I get in a telephone conversation..and sometimes its when I am talking to clients. uggh! I bet they think I am really professional. ha! My sister in law always says that the doctors need to automatically prescribe Lexapro or something right when you have a child....at least until we can get through that emotional period.

Don't forget..there is always fast food, dvd players(as mentioned above), and even babysitters! I know someone that hires a teenager to come over and play with her older child while she gets things done around the house.

You are in my prayers. We have all been there!

Hello blog buddies! It's me, Crouse! said...

poor sara! don't be so hard on yourself! it is hard to imagine you even getting upset because you always seemed so patient to me! i am not nursing anymore, but it was a lot more stressful when i was nursing when i had two others who had homework to do, supper to fix, and soccer practice to get to. gary's a firefighter and does grass (not marijuana - the kind you cut with a lawnmower) so i do understand about having to do it on your own. you hang in there!

Jenn said...

I'm with you...Mine starts around 4:30 pm...right before Aaron gets home and I'm just plain worn out! Yesterday I reached my boiling point and put in a movie for the younger 2 so that I could get some stuff done with Grace. All that being said....and I'm sure you can tell from the comments, you aren't in this alone. We have our days and as my mom always says, "This too shall pass and then you are going to miss it..." She is right, but sometimes I just want a little bit of peace!! :) Thinking of you and ya'll's time of change!

Holly said...

Oh Sara, I have been there and am still there (except for the nursing) That is our DVD time of the day, everyone is so tired, my 2 little people don't nap anymore and sure still need it. I am sure Carter thinks we watch TV all day because when he walks in the door it is on, but if he wants dinner, then the TV is going to be on. It won't be long and Grant will probably pick up his speed on the nursing thing.

I hope the house hunt goes well, I will be looking forward to reading your blog for an update on that.

Happy Friday!

Brittyne Fitzgerald said...

We all feel it lady! I think I handled two pretty well but number three has found me reaching my boiling point more and more. I pray for a greater demonstration of God's spirit of patience and gentleness within me. I'll pray the same for you!

Alisa said...

Sounds very familiar! Hang in there - I hear it does get better! :)

Anonymous said...
