Friday, March 28, 2008

Eleven Things Learned in Eleven Days

1. Laura likes to use my nursing pads to make pretend sandwiches. She has also been nursing her favorite doll, Stella. That didn't take long!

2. There is in increase in laundry.

3. I will do whatever it takes for Grant to sleep at night even if it means sleeping on me! Although he is doing better to sleep in his bed the last couple of nights!!!

4. It is okay to use formula and not beat yourself up over using a bottle.

5. I enjoy the days when Laura is at school and I have time just with Grant without any distractions.

6. Grant loves his swing.

7. Jim is a great daddy. Of course I already knew that, but he has been a wonderful source of encouragement to me the last week and a great playmate to Laura when I am unable to entertain.

8. Laura has watched probably too much t.v. lately.

9. I didn't wait two weeks to start driving post c-section. If you know me, I like to get out when I can, so I resumed driving a little early.

10. Selling a house, an approaching move, having a husband finish a dissertation, and adding a newborn to the mix at the same time is an overwhelming thought at times.

11. I love my family of four. While at times, I long for a full-nights sleep and getting past the newborn demands, I love Jim, Laura and Grant more than anything.


c said...

Sounds like you guys are doing great!! Hope everything continues to go well.

April said...

Nursing pad sandwhiches cracks me up! Has it really been 11 days already!? Wow.

Ginger said...

I know it seems like an eternity, but he will sleep eventually. He is only eleven days old. Ryan slept on my chest for a really long time! I am a firm believer in doing whatever it takes!!

Hello blog buddies! It's me, Crouse! said...

i know we haven't talked since college, but of course i will share my opinion. don't you dare beat yourself up over using that bottle! not saying your issues were my issues, but I had a terrible time trying to teach ms. em how to stay latched on and i ended up pumping for 6 months and just giving it to her in a bottle. i also loved loved loved it and still do when i am home alone with just her and we can just bond. i KNOW you are an awesome mom! great creativity in your child for using the breast pads as sandwiches! that is hilarious!

Kim said...

Sounds like things are going well. I say "Whatever works". We tend to have these ideals and are too hard on ourselves if things go differently. Laura looks like a great big sis!

Kim said...

Sounds like things are going well. I say "Whatever works". We tend to have these ideals and are too hard on ourselves if things go differently. Laura looks like a great big sis!

Dallas said...

My mantra for the past 6 months "Whatever gets me through the day with some sanity in tact". If he sleeps on your chest, let him sleep, if he takes a bottle, drink up buddy. There is no need for you to feel guilty about anything!!!!! You are a fabulous mommy and have a lot on your plate. A healthy baby and a happy mommy are the most important things.

I love the sandwich! So funny!

James E. Miller said...

You are, indeed, a wonderful mother to our two children. (It still sounds weird to say "two children.")

Your patience and nurturing spirit are so evident. I know you don't believe this, but I wish I could relieve you of "night feeding duty" for a few nights. You deserve hours and hours of uninterrupted sleep!

Love you.

Shana said...

Sounds like you guys have your plate full with a newborn, moving, dissertation, etc. Hang in there! What a blessing all of these things are even if it seems a little stressful in the process! I love Jim's comment to you. I knew that 10 years ago in our Bible Study that you guys had a tremendous love for each other and I can tell your love is just as strong today. I also loved Laura's comment that Jim posted about on his blog. How precious!

Cara said...

Isn't it amazing how your life can change in a matter of days! You guys are in our prayers. Sounds like you've got it under control. Don't feel guilty about getting consecutive hours of sleep, however you get them :) Also, a bottle of formula never hurt anyone. Austin uses my nursing pads as frisbees. He and Laura would make one hillarious couple.

Holly said...

I am glad to hear you are surviving! I enjoyed those Pre School days with a newborn, they were a lifesaver. So glad you sold your house, what a blessing to not have to show your house over and over. Take care.

April said...

Alright, Sara. Next time you check my blog notice the date and time! Any guesses where I had been??? He, he.

amy said...
