Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween & Other News

I seriously am becoming a terrible blogger.

Since my last post, about a month ago, we have been busy.

I went on a field trip with Laura's class to the zoo. It was great fun together. I love being with my girl! She is doing great in Kindergarten-very adjusted, secure and smart. I am super proud of her.
Grant is being a boy...busy, active, but oh so sweet. I love his kisses and "wuv you, mommy". His sweetness makes up for his stinker tendencies. He goes to preschool two days a week and his time away from me keeps me sane. He is doing pretty good at school---he gets a good report about half the time. He likes school and never cries; he is learning to share, not hit, sit in a circle and listen. He isn't not always stellar in these areas!
Last week was Laura's "superstar" week at school which meant she got to bring a snack, share a book with the class, and dress up as her favorite character. We decorated a "star" with her five favorite things and sadly I didn't get a full picture of the final product. If you look at the picture of me showing pictures to her class, you can see the star. Jim and I went to her class to read a story to her class and talk about her star. She dressed up as Laura Ingalls--her all time favorite character!
Halloween was full of trick or treating and hyper children! We had a good time going door to door in our neighborhood with Laura's friend, Ann-Clayton. Ironically me and A-C's mom purchased the same prairie girl outfit off of Ebay! The girls wanted to be Laura and Mary Ingalls and we both bought the outfits at separate times. They are very sweet friends and enjoyed having the same costume. I know we will get a lot of good use of it as Laura loves to play Little House all the time. Grant was a fireman and he was so hilarious trick-or-treating. At the first house, Grant went right up to the door and said "trick-or-treat" and then walked in their house. I guess he thought this is what you were supposed to do. He is a funny funny boy! We had a good time and I'm glad we didn't get an overload of candy since I like to eat it too!

This post is way longer than I intended, but I now have my 2 readers caught up to date on our happenings. I would love to blog more than once a month...we shall see....


April said...

I LOVED LOVED LOVED reading your blog post. I miss you! The Superstar week looked like fun. Truth be told, it takes me back. They called it Superstar when I was there in Kindergarten, too. Ha. The kids are adorable in their costumes. Love the story about Grant going right on in the house! Love you!

Holly Aytes said...

Glad things are going well...seems like everyone has been really busy lately and are falling behind on blogging! Love Laura's costume! I still enjoy Little House on the Praire...we can catch it on tv in the afternoons! She looked so cute! And Grant is as adorable as ever! Look forward to hearing more of what is going on with y'all but totally understand falling behind!

amy said...

HA! So here is proof that you have more than two readers...

Thanks for the update! Love the pics and the fact that Grant walked into the first trick or treat house. How hilarious!

Andrea said...

More proof that you have more than two readers! Of course your admiring fans LOVE your posts. More, more, more!

Cindy said...

I enjoyed keeping up with you! This time of year is just so busy...I totally get that! :) I miss you and your family, too...come back!!!