We've been busy at our house wrapping up the school year and all the activities that entails. This past weekend Laura had her ballet and tap recital. She did a great job and I really think she has talent in that area. My parents came up for the event which made it even better. Thursday is her last day of school and I know she will miss it over the summer. She has made great improvements both socially and academically.

Jim and I have both finished up teaching for the school year. We have about 5 weeks before Jim teaches in Summer 2. June is already looking pretty busy with a trip to Houston and a few days in Austin at the lake with my parents. Laura is taking swim lessons and also going to softball day camp. I am teaching swim lessons at Harding and also spending 4 days in training to be a teacher assessor for the Arkansas department of Education. Jim is going to work around the house on jobs that get neglected during the school year. And that is just our activities for June!
Grant is all boy. He likes to climb, follow Laura, and eat. He has an enormous appetite and is constantly wanting to eat. His name for food is "nana". Grant is always sporting a scrap, bruise or bump. He is super sweet and cuddles after waking up. Since being weaned, he won't let me or Jim rock him to sleep. I hope that changes because I really love rocking my babies! He is pretty constant and keeps me busy.

I love the pictures of Laura in her outfit for the recital! I'm sure she does have talent in that area, Sara. She has always enjoyed performing! I'm glad grandparents got to be there for the recital, too. That really is special.
Grant has changed so much. He is still adorable as always, but he is looking like a little boy instead of a baby. :( He has so much hair, too! Has it really been that long since we saw you guys?!
Enjoy the time over the next 5 weeks with a change of pace and little more freedom...though it sounds like you guys will be pretty busy during those 5 weeks, too! :) Miss ya.
Enjoyed reading your catch-up news! Enjoy your summer. Your kids are adorable!
Good to hear an update from you guys. Laura is so beautiful and Grant looks so big! That is great that he has such a big appetite. Sounds like you guys have a busy summer planned just like us. Have fun!
I can't believe how big Grant is getting!! Congrats on finishing up with school this year. Enjoy your summer and all the fun that goes with it!!
How did I miss this post? I love the picture of you with Laura in her costume. It is frame worthy to be sure. And Grant is just too cute with his precocious little grin.
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