Two weeks ago, Jim and I boarded a plane to head to Vegas without our kids. Jim had a journalism conference he was attending and presenting at, so I went along for the ride. I was a bit nervous on how I would handle the whole separation from the kids (especially Grant since it was my first time away from him), but I really didn't miss them too much. I think I really really needed a break and I was completely confident in Jim's parents taking care of them!
Our flight to Vegas was something I haven't experienced in awhile...restful. I read a book, listened to my Ipod and graded papers. We stayed at the
Trump Hotel (thanks to Priceline) and attempted to act like we fit in at a 5 star hotel. It was a really awesome place to stay. Our room overlooked the Vegas strip which was a sight to see at night. This room was a studio complete with a mini-kitchen, flat screen tv, two phones (one in the toilet room), jacuzzi tub, walk-in shower and tv in the bathroom. It was posh!

The pool was pretty nice too with big lounge beds. It was super windy the day we were out there so we didn't stay too long.

While we were there, we walked the strip a lot and toured and shopped in the huge hotels. Once while Jim was in meetings, I treated myself to a massage, manicure and pedicure. It was great!!!!!! At night, we ate at some great restaurants and viewed the sights. Thanks to
www.restaurant.com, I purchased $25 gift certificates for $3! If you haven't checked out this website, you must do it. We ate at
Enoteca San Marco in the Venetian and
RM Seafood in Mandalay Bay as well as the
Cheesecake Factory.
On our last night, we went to the
Blue Man Group. It was totally entertaining. During the entire show, I kept thinking to myself that I am watching bald men with their heads painted blue do some really bizarre activities! I do recommend it though.

The BEST part of the trip was being alone with Jim. It was soooo wonderful to have meaningful conversations, stay up late, sleep in, and just enjoy quiet together. It was really really nice and also much needed for the both of us. It had been two years since we'd been on a vacation alone and I won't let that much time go in between a vacation again. Granted I didn't have much control over it with being pregnant and nursing. But, we both realized it is important to our relationship to spend time together without the kids. Honestly we didn't even hardly talk about Laura or Grant the entire time we were gone. We called them several times a day though.
Speaking of Laura and Grant, they had the best time with Grandma and Grandpa. I'm pretty sure they were spoiled the entire time. Everyone took naps good, went to bed easily and of course obeyed all the time. Grandma even had to take Grant to the doctor for a rash! Grandpa was so concerned over Grant's medicine that he called a personal friend who is a pharmacist to double-check the prescription dosage. I just don't worry when they take care of the kids.

All in all, we had a great trip and are already brainstorming our next vacation together!
Wow! It sounds like you two really enjoyed your trip together. That's great! Michael and I haven't been away together in over 2 years, too. Now you've inspired me to start planning. Thanks! Glad you had an awesome time in Vegas. :)
I've been waiting to see those pics and hear all about that trip! I'm so glad you guys had a good time. I'm also very glad that you did not worry about the kids. Sounds pretty perfect to me. :)
Sounds like a great trip! Glad you had a good time. I will be looking forward to seeing where your next trip is going to be.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the trip!
Looks like a great trip and some fun time away on your own. Glad you had fun!
Looks like y'all had lots of fun! I am going to have Matt's parents see if there is a resort in the their timeshare there (I am sure there is) so we can go there. I think I would love it and I know we could use some time away. It is really nice to have that time with your spouse. We are getting ready to go to the Smokies without the kids the first part of June but Vegas sounds better!
So glad you guys had a good time. I was hoping you would post some Vegas pictures. Vegas is the perfect getaway without kids. (Not a very kid friendly town!)
Sounds amazing! I'm so happy you guys got to get away. Sometimes we forget what it was like before kids! It's nice to escape and remember.
Awesome! How much fun is that?! I am so glad you two were able to treat yourselves. And hooray for restaurant.com! I have checked it out a few times but have yet to buy. I want to do a girls' night a Lulav... Interested?
What a special vacation! Drew and I keep talking about how we need to plan a trip alone, but we are all talk for now. I worry I'll miss Sydney, but I know it would be so good for us and so fun!! Glad you all had a great trip!!
I am so glad you guys had a great time and got to experience the fun part of Vegas. Sounds like you guys did exactly what I like to do. Rest, eat and shop. Glad it was nice.
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