Yesterday I boarded a plane with two children minutes before the main cabin door was closed. Traveling with children is always an adventure and it never fails that the night before a trip, I have a sick child in the night.
Grant woke up at 5:00 a.m. hours before our departure with close to 103 fever! I gave him medicine and slept on the couch with him till I heard my alarm go off at 6:30 to get ready for our 9:00 flight. Needless to say, it was a rush morning trying to get kids fed and dressed and out the door at 7:30! I probably should have gotten up earlier and I always forget the Jim moves about as slow as the children in the morning.
We made a mad dash to the airport and upon check in the Continental representative informed me I needed to be at the airport between 7:30 and 8:00. She "rushed" our bags and I then found out that I had to pay $15 per bag. I was uninformed on this new rule that charged for your bags..what a scam! Thankfully they allowed Jim to help me thru security with both the kids.
As you all know, you practically have to strip to your birthday suit to make it through airport security. Strollers have to be collapsed, shoes off, pockets emptied, etc...And on this occassion (in which I was rushing), security decided to do a "check" of the waters that I had prepared for Grant and Laura. And at that moment, Laura has realized that she left her Ariel doll in the car and proceeds to crying!
We make it to the gate where boarding is in place. I convince Laura to go to the bathroom one last time with an ultimatum that I would NOT take her on the airplane. I collapse the stroller with my 22 lb son dangling in my arms. We are the last people on the plane.
We proceed to our seats which is of course the last one on the plane. I see the faces of the other passengers sighing in relief that we won't be sitting my them! As we sit down with immediate demands from Laura that she wanted snacks, drinks, colors, books, etc, I realize that I didn't check Grant's diaper. And guess what, he pooped! is always interesting changing a poop diaper on the airplane seat on a wiggly little boy.
Thankfully, it is an extremely short flight and since Grant was not feeling 100% he was pretty tame. Laura has finally reached a very easy age for traveling so she was good as gold. We made it safely and spent the day taking naps and playing. I'm glad to be home for a few days!
Side note: Grant is going to the doctor this morning as he has still been running a high fever. I really really hope he starts to feeling better soon.
What an ordeal! Glad you made it there safely...hope Grant's okay! I've never had the opportunity to fly with my kids yet...maybe that's a good thing. I love to fly, though. Have a nice visit!
Oh the fun of flying with kids! The last time we flew, Christmas, was by far the easiest with a 3 and 5 year old. Carter looked at me and said, "What have we done? We finally get this all figured out and now we will have a baby with us next time." I always tell myself, the majority of the people on the plane probably have or had kids so they should understand. It can still be very stressful! Just glad you didn't miss your flight!
Ohhhhh I am sooooo glad to hear that someone had a rough day too. Read my blog and you will see what happened to me!!!
Oh the joys of parenthood and we will laugh one day about these things. Right now - ummm not too funny! Although I did laugh at the car hop that came to our car and saw me. I am sure she was thinking I got a little more than what they pay me for! =)
Have a great time and hope little man gets to feeling better soon!
Bless your heart is all I can say!! I flew with Will one time when he was about 11 months old. And of course he pooped as soon as the plane took off! I actually took him to the tiny tiny airplane bathroom to change his diaper. It was an experience I will never forget!
Hope Grant gets to feeling better and you guys have an easy trip home.
What an adventure!! I don't know why they always put moms and children at the very back of the plane! It's happened to me while flying alone with Sie as well. It also amazes me the lack of courtsey other flyers have.
Hope Grant feels better soon!
Wow! What a crazy day. I hope you have a marvelous time with your parents. I hope Grant gets better and that you and Laura both stay well. And I hope you have a wonderfully smooth and uneventful journey home! :) Thanks for sharing your crazy adventure!
Oh my goodness! It sounds like you had quite an experience. I have not flown with kids yet but Easton just cannot wait to fly somewhere. I hope that Grant is feeling better!
Umm... And it is posts like THESE that make me think I am certainly NOT ready to have a second... Flip flop flip flop.
I'm exhausted just reading your post. Hope you're having a good visit at home and I hope Grant's feeling better!
Your traveling story made me cringe, but I'm glad it had a happy ending. I've recently learned that flying with children is an entirely different experience than just hopping on a plane as an adult. I hope you are having a great time with your family!
Oh my word!! I hope that Grant is feeling better now!! :)
I hope he feels better soon too!! Sydney was running a fever for a few days last week with her never ending cold...we finally started an antibiotic yesterday. Flying is stressful with one child...I can't imagine two! You go girl!!!
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