Wednesday, December 17, 2008

9 Months

Can it be that nine months have already come and gone in Grant's life?? Seriously, slow down Grant, stop growing up on me!! This past month Grant has been learning so much!

1. He is crawling and pulling up on anything and everything. Keeping up with him is wearing me out!
2. He claps his hands.
3. He waves "bye bye".
4. He has exhibited some separation anxiety. What can I say, he is a momma's boy!
5. He had graduated from baby boot camp a couple weeks ago, however after a double-ear infection 10 days ago, his sleep pattern got messed up again. So now that he is 100% healthy, he is once again enrolled in camp and I anticipate that he's figuring it out and will be back on sleeping thru the night in a couple more days.
6. He weighs 21 pounds and is in 18 month clothes!
7. He likes to eat. He hasn't refused anything I've given him. We are almost on all table food. Yay for no more babyfood!
8. He laughs when he watches Baby Einstein. Thank goodness for Baby Einstein or I'd never get a shower around here!
9. He is such a pleasant fellow and gives some good cuddles when I rock him at night.

We like to train our kids early to do chores!!


Holly Aytes said...

Sara, he is so precious! I absolutely love his smile and the way his eyes disappear :) And we too train our kids early to do chores. Hope baby boot camp goes smoothly.

Sara said...

Grant is a precious boy and I really enjoyed hanging out with him this past weekend. We are buddies!

Carter loves the vacuum and laundry too. I hope his love for chores continues to grow.

Cindy said...

Love that smile...great shot by the dryer. Pictures like that become classics! Happy 9 months, Grant!

Ginger said...

9 months is just about my favorite age. They are so fun at that age. Not quite walking, still a baby, giggle at everything!! Oh, enjoy it. Soon he will be running through the house !!!

Cara said...

What a sweet boy! How many teeth does he have? Looks like a mouthful already. Brylee has ZERO! :) Happy 9 mo., Grant!