Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Eight Months

Monday marked Grant's eight month birthday. I ask myself each month how can time be passing so quickly. Wow! Grant has been picking up new skills by the day lately. Here are some of his latests:

1. He is getting into the crawl position.
2. He now has 6 teeth. Four new teeth came in just this past month!
3. He is saying "da da da da" and making motorboat noises.
4. He can pick up finger foods and feed himself.
5. I probably have said this before, but he loves his big sister, Laura! He always responds to her with squeals of delight and is always looking for her when he hears her voice.
6. Speaking of squealing, he has found that his vocal cords can go quite high.
7. He is currently enrolled in what the Miller family calls "baby boot camp". Hopefully by the time I write a "9 Month" post, he'll understand that he will no longer be fed during the night and will be sleeping without waking up!
8. He is really a happy baby, however I've seen some fierce stubbornness this past month. I told him, we've already got one stubborn child in our family and I don't need another. I hope he gets the message!


Ginger said...

I noticed you said 4 new teeth came in this past month, and he has had an ear infection. Both of those things probably contribute to his night wakings. Maybe now he will be on the road to better sleep!!

Cindy said...

Grant looks so much like Laura, in my opinion. Cuties, both of them!

Holly Aytes said...

I love all the pictures of him but the last is my favorite! I love "necked" babies, all that sweet smelling soft skin is too much to pass up (not in a bad way but a sweet mommy way). He does really look like Laura. And I love those big blue eyes :) Hope "baby boot camp" gets better.

Andrea said...

He is so delightfully chubby and CUTE! He's one of those "I just gotta squeeeeeeze 'em" babies!

Maria R. said...

Oh he is so cute. I'm with Andrea, I just want to squeeze on him. Hope this nights are getting better.

April said...

I love, love, love the picture of Grant in the swing! Too precious. Ginger has a really good kids ALWAYS had more night wakings while teething and when sick. ALWAYS. And, once they were feeling better, it tended to taper back to a more "normal" pattern. Whatever normal was-Ha. Seriously, 4 teeth in one month makes ME tired thinking about the night wakings that tend to go with that...and the ONE thing that "helped" my kids during those times was nursing. Sigh. Oh, if it were only simple. Hope you all get some sleep soon!

Shana said...

What a cutie!

I just read all of the comments about your "Sleepless in Searcy" post. Isn't it funny how every kid is so different? I am so sorry that you aren't getting sleep. I remember doing the same thing. One night I just cried and put the pillow over my head and prayed that Lexi would go to sleep. It is amazing how much more dramatic things are in the middle of the night:)

So now that everyone has given you their advice, I need your advice on what to do with Lexi. You mentioned that Laura is hard headed or strong willed or something like that. I could use any and all advice in that department! I am just nervous that if she is this defiant with me at 2 then what will it be at 16? :) : Lots of prayers between now and then. :)

Kim said...

Grant is getting so big! He is so cute. I hope he catches on to "baby book camp" and starts sleeping all night.That will be so nice for everyone in your household!

Holly said...

Grant is absolutely precious, can't believe he is 8 months!