Wednesday, October 8, 2008

7 Random Facts

I am at a loss for a new blog topic, so I tag myself to share seven random facts.

1. There are certain combinations of foods that I just love. One of them is drinking a diet coke and eating a peanut butter cup. (In case you'd like to have a nice 2 point treat, Whitman's makes a fantastic Weight Watcher peanut butter cup.)

2. I do not like the texture of cotton balls. I cringe thinking about them.

3. I like to read a magazine from the back to the front.

4. When I was in my elementary years, I put on several home productions of "Annie". I was of course the producer and assigned parts to the neighborhood gang. I am pretty good at being a boss!

5. In high school, I was the "Feature Editor" for the weekly newspaper.

6. I have a permanent retainer on my bottom teeth.

7. My foot grew 1/2 a size while I was pregnant with Grant. I am just realizing this as I'm trying to fit into my fall shoes. I guess it is time to buy new shoes!


Cindy said...

I always enjoy random facts about my friends. Especially those with whom I share things in common...permanent retainers, feet that have grown since pregnancy, and other lovelies like those! Hope you're doing well. I miss you!

April said...

I really wish you guys could have been with us at Oakes Farm. That would have completed the day! Mackenzie saw the pictures of herself with her hair pulled back and exclaimed, "Momma! It's Laura!" I thought that was pretty funny. Sigh. We all miss you.

My foot grew a whole size during pregnancy. Nice. I know wear size 11's. Yep. That's a big foot. It's okay, though, since David wears 13's! :)

Andrea said...

How did I not know that you ALSO read magazines from back to front? That's kind of eerie. I think I'll steal this idea for my blog.

Ginger said...

I have heard that about feet growing during pregnancy, but this is one pregnancy side affect that didn't happen to me.

How do you remove fingernail polish without cotton balls?

Sara said...

Thanks for sharing your random facts. I'd love to hear more about your days as feature editor.

Maria R. said...

Cotton Balls? Really?

Shana said...

Troy HATES cotton balls too! He goes nuts when we have to get that cotton out of medicine bottles!

I read magazines from back to front too. Why in the world do we do that?

Allison said...

Loved reading these!! Isn't it great having a good excuse to get to buy new shoes?! My feet shrunk a half size after having Sydney.

April said...

How did you set your blog list to show the person's name, new post title, and when it was updated? I'd love to do the same, but can't figure out where to go to configure it...thanks, in advance, for the help! :)

Ellen said...

My foot grew too! It was really sad because I hate shoe shopping.

Holly said...

I am very impressed you can have just one peanut butter cup!