Thursday, February 21, 2008


Jim and I enjoyed a steak dinner at Regas last Saturday night. It was our Valentine's date. We had a good time talking, enjoying a really good piece of meat, and spending time alone.
We set up a lot of baby equipment this past weekend. We are not actually setting up the crib or doing all the decorating of the nursery until after the baby arrives; since we don't know the gender of the baby, it is difficult to get completely prepared. We also will have family at our house for two or three weeks after baby arrives, and they will need to camp out in the guest room/soon-to-be nursery.

Laura has enjoyed letting her babies play in the baby's swing and bouncy. She is gonna be a great big sister!
Finally, I'm feeling a bit sentimental about my last three weeks with Laura. It will never just be "us" again. While I'm excited to meet our new baby and be a family of four, it is also — as my good friend April says — a "time of mourning" that is totally normal. We are spending lots of time together. I took her to Veggie Tales Pirate movie tonight and had a Sonic burger and ice cream. She is a funny little girl to be with!


Cara said...

I remember those same feelings before Austin was born. In fact, the night before I went in for delivery, I cried over Derek while he was asleep. So, you aren't alone with these feelings. Enjoy your time with Laura. I know she will be a great big sis and a big helper for you.

Alissa said...

I remember being so much more worried about Kalista and making sure she was takedn care of when it was time to deliver Isaac. I fretted and cried many times about it. Good for you for making special memories with Laura now! Don't forget there will be opportunities once the new baby comes too. You just have to make them a priority sometimes!

Holly Aytes said...

Looks like y'all had a good time at Regas! We will be celebrating V-day this weekend since I was sick all last week. "Mourning" is normal. Caleb was so little when Madison came that it was harder than going from Taylor to Caleb. I was afraid I would miss out on all the stuff Caleb would be doing. It does work out though. You just have to make the time which isn't always easy. I remember going out for lunch playdates with Taylor both times or just sitting and playing or reading with both of them sometimes while nursing the other :) Oh the memories!

April said...

Sounds like you and Jim had a wonderful Valentine's Date. I am glad you were able to do that. I am also glad that you are treasuring this one-on-one time with Laura. You really will adjust to being a family of four, and you will love your life that way, too. :) We are just a phone call away if you need us at any point. We love you guys! And, we are excited about your future.

April said...

Oh, and Laura is not just a funny little girl...she is truly delightful!

Ginger said...

I bet Laura is having so much fun playing with the "real" baby equipment. She will be even more excited when their is a real baby too! I felt the same way about Will too and made a special effort to take him to lunch alone and do special things with him. Before you know it, you won't be able to remember life just the 3 of you! How fun that you guys went to Regas. I still have not been there.

Dallas said...

Yep, I was super sad about my alone time with Nora being over. I cried the night before we delivered Elyn because I knew it was our last night together. Also, since I had a c-section, I wasn't supposed to lift Nora up for 2 weeks (I didn't make it the whole 2 weeks though) and that was the hardest. She wanted me to hold her and I wanted to. I had to sit on the couch and let her crawl up beside me. I know you are sad now, but in a month after the baby comes, you will not believe how much more you love Laura and how much more precious she is to you now. Also remember, this new baby is going to sleep ALL THE TIME, so you will still have quite a bit of time to spend, just the two of you for several weeks. She is going to be a great big sister and your heart will open up so much more with love than you ever thought possible.

Shana said...

Yes- I agree with the others. Your feelings are completely normal and we all go through those emotions. I did the exact same thing before Lexi was born. I remember crying at every little thing whether it was sad or happy. Laura will be a wonderful big sister and we are so excited for you guys. We can't wait to find out the gender!

Shana said...

Sara- I just got a post from Holly, but I can't get into her blog. If you talk to her, tell her to send me her e-mail her something so I can catch up. Hope you are feeling okay!

amy said...

I cannot believe you are only 3 weeks away! Incredible.

I am sure I will have similar feelings ONE day... Hang in there! You and Laura can still set aside alone time while the baby is napping and she can have mommy or daddy dates which will be even more special for all of you.