Friday, October 20, 2006

Support group for wives of cardinals fans

After tonight's Cardinals game, I've decided I need a support group.

October baseball is always a series of emotional highs and lows for Jim. Let me give a short recap of tonight's observations of my die-hard Cardinal fan.

It started off on a positive note: a prayer for the Cardinals at the dinner table, a Cardinals hat and jersey after dinner, and then game time.

By the bottom of the 1st, the pacing began. Soon, Jim was coaching the T.V. He was up and down out of his chair too many times to count. He gave pep talks to himself - and to the players - all night.

The rally cap was on when the Cardinals were at bat in the top of the 9th, and it was off when the Mets were up in the bottom of the ninth.

It must have worked.

The Cardinals just won the National League penant. Jim is jumping up and down - and now he is on his knees.

Not crying, but celebrating.

Congratulations Cardinals! And best of luck in the World Series. Prayers on my behalf are appreciated!

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