Friday, August 25, 2006

Back to School Blues

I felt like a "real" parent tonight.

I went tonight to the first parent meeting for Laura's Mothers Day Out program, which she will begin on Tuesday. I got kinda teary-eyed a few times during the overview of the program. I am not a clingy, overly protective mom; I will survive (and probably enjoy) being apart from her for five hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but it is the first of the "letting go's".

I want my daughter to live life to the fullest and have as many positive experiences as possible. I want her to love school, learn to share, and even take a nap on a little mat (still not seeing that happen). And yet, in order for that to happen, I have to let go.

This first school experience has allowed me to reflect on what my parents must have felt during all those "letting go" times, especially when I left for Harding in 1993. This experience has helped me appreciate their letting me go and have wonderful experiences away from the nest.

So, as Tuesday approaches, I pray for smooth sailing - and dry eyes.

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