Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Star Princess Birthday Party

Laura turned 5 years old today. Like all us mommas say, it is hard to believe when your child keeps growing up! Laura is delightful, sweet and just so fun to be around. She is always up for a good time and a good time was had at her "star princess party" today! She thought of this theme months ago and I was lucky enough to score a princess pinata in the shape of a star at the party supply store.
We had six little girls over today who all came up dressed up as of course a princess. We made crowns, painted nails, played dress up and ended the party with cake and a pinata. Laura loved every minute of it and thoroughly enjoyed her birthday all day long. I think I heard "I'm the birthday girl" about a bajillion times today.
Laura is so fun to watch open her presents. She gets really excited about each and every gift. I've heard stories on how Jim was like this as a child! This afternoon she was saying "my wish came true because Mackenzie sent me play make-up for my b'day present." Side note: it is not "play" make-up, but real sparkly eyeshadow which was put on immediately! I'll be paying you back, just wait!! This is the first birthday cake I've ever made and I'm pretty excited about the way it turned out. Laura loved it and that is all that mattered to me!


April said...

You should be "pretty excited" about the way your cake turned out! In fact, I think you should be VERY pleased with it! That's a GREAT cake! I'm sure all the little girls loved it, too.

It looks like Laura had a great party. How neat that you found a star pinata to match the star princess theme. Perfect!

About the make up we sent...he, he. Mackenzie and I went together, just us girls, to pick out a present for Laura. Mackenzie did not take long at all to spot the make up sets, and insisted on getting one for Laura! I just knew you'd be excited about it, too...HA. ;) Mackenzie continues to remind me that her Birthday is in a month and that she wants me to go see if they have any make up kits left for her. Girls will be girls.

Happy Birthday, Laura!!!!

Holly said...

Happy Birthday Laura! If we lived in the same town, I think Hannah and Laura would be great friends! Your cake is amazing!

Andrea said...

Love love love the star princess theme. And you did a fabulous job on that cake! I'm completely impressed. Very sweet.

Ginger said...

Great job on the cake! I'm very impressed. It is so hard to believe she is 5!
What could possibly be better than play makeup?!? That would have been my favorite gift when I was 5, I can promise you that!

Cindy said...

I love the cake, too, Sara! Especially the ice cream cone princess hats! Very cool. Looks like a fun, girly time was had by all. :) Happy Birthday to Laura, a few days late!

Cindy said...

Okay in looking back at the cake, I think maybe they're not hats but turrets (???) on the princess castle?? Either way, I still like it! (Sorry!)

amy said...
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amy said...

Sadie had SO much fun and still talks about the party. I think your cake was just awesome! It turned out great. It IS hard to believe that Laura is 5 now! Which is older than Sadie, by the way, in case you didn't hear that (100 times)... :)

Glad she had a great and memorable birthday!!!

Jeanne G said...

awesome cake sara!!!!! :)