Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mission Complete

I am 8 inches lighter (in hair that is). I only wish 8 inches of pregnancy weight could be disappear after 2 hours at the salon!

For the last two years, I have been growing out my hair. I felt attached to my long hair, so I had to remind myself today that my hair was for someone else and not for me. I was nervous, however, it was time. My hair was hot, a pain to blowdry, my hairstyle was a ponytail and Grant was always grabbing it. It was time to let it go.

Tomorrow, my hair will be in the mail to Children With Hairloss. I hope it is well used and loved by someone else.

So I write all of this not to get pats on the back or "job well done" comments. I write this to get you thinking. What small way can you give back? I'm ready for a new challenge!



Cindy said...

AAAHHHH!!! I LOVE IT!!! Your new haircut is so cute! (Sorry, I can't help myself. It really looks great!) Your hair really had gotten long. Nice to have the weight lifted, eh? I didn't send my hair off this last time...not even sure just how much was cut off. Thanks for posting the pictures. You look beautiful!

April said...

Wow! I did not realize just how long your hair had gotten, Sara. It looks good both ways. How is it that you are so blessed as to have hair that looks good both ways?! Mine short is a disaster. Yours looks cute! :)

Maria R. said...

What a great haircut. I LOVE It!!!! Sexy woman!!

Dallas said...

Well, you look fantastic! And thanks for the challenge...I will be thinking. Is there a place where I can donate shed pregnancy pounds...hmmmm. Of course, I am attached to them and might find it hard to get rid of them :).

Cara said...

Love, love, love the new cut!

amy said...

So...does this mean you will be less chicken to jump off the diving board?


Anonymous said...

So fun! Love the haircut! Love the reason you grew it and cut it!

Ginger said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! You look adorable!! You really do have great hair. I bet you feel so much lighter and no more blow-drying! Good for you for sticking with it. You waited a long time for this.

Jenn said...

Love the new do!!! It looks so very cute on you....I'm so tempted to do the same. We'll see after the Maui trip next week...Every time a see a really cute cut on someone I think, "Can I pull that off?" You my friend, look GREAT!!

amy said...

I LOVE IT! You look GREAT. And what an awesome thing to do.

Allison said...

Love the new haircut!!! Isn't short hair so much easier? Well done!

James E. Miller said...

I've already told you: I think you look pretty hot with your new style. Plus, your commitment to growing your hair for a cause was admirable. You saw it through, and I'm proud of you.

Love you and your new do a lot!

Shana said...

Oh my word! I had no idea that your hair was that long but I LOVE the new cut! I am such a fan of cute, fun haircuts. LOVE IT! You look beautiful!

Sara said...

Sara, your hair looks fabulous!!!

Melanie said...

Love the hair! It looks great on you! I just cut mine again, can't seem to let it gat past my shoulders anymore. I admire you for sticking with it!

Enjoy the quicker morning routine!

Holly Aytes said...

I love the new cute! It looks so good on you. I don't think I could donate mine unless they would take short hair to make wigs for men :) I can't stand for it to gt to long. I need a trim right now but am waiting a little closer to my sister's wedding date so that it will be the perfect length.